What the Hell?
So let me get this straight, lobbyist lavish gifts on elected officials so those officials will vote on and push laws that benefit the companies/industries/groups that the lobbyist work for. And if that doesn't sound corrupt enough, in most cases the lobbyist support the elected officials re-election campaigns. So most elected officials, save for the really rich ones, are in the pockets of some special interest before they enter office.
I thought that the elected officials represent the people who voted for them. What an ass I am.
Of course the really good lobbyist, then get jobs in very high places in the US Government - take the head of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), he used to be a lobbyist for big logging companies (Not very environmentally friendly). In this sense the pendulum comes full circle; so government is fair - fairly corrupt.
The real problem here is that no one will be held accountable - some officials 'Head Aid' will lose their job or get spanked for being bad. Will they hang DeLay by his political testies? I doubt it.
What's worse is that this will provide a decent cover for George W. to slip under the radar of IMPEACHMENT for ignoring the constitution and pooh-poohing the bill of rights. This is the real shame of it. Another sacrificial lamb on the alter of the Bush Administration.
tata -
Joseph Thomas