Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Health Care

How frustrating. Doctors can not administer good medicine because their hands are tied by Insurance companies. The docs are too damn busy anyway so mostly you are dealing with Nurses or less assistants, secretaries, phone answerers! Nightmare.
Soon I am told, from my doctor, they will have lists of approved doctors and ratings - not based on lives saved, don't be ridiculous. Based on average hospital stay lengths - Billing rates - frequency of testing. None of this is in our favor. all in favor of the CEO, CFO, VPS, Yada yadas at the top of the Health care industry. So my wife who has a history of Breast Cancer can not have a Mamogram every year so some fat head can buy his daughter another pony or a fancy bottle of grapes!
To End the health Care Crisis - And it is a crisis if you have someone you love who is unwell - To end it: Have the government impose salary Caps or Governize the whole damn thing. How un Capitalistic of me. How damn true of me.
Sorry did I just ask the governmen to protect the common man?
What an ass I am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog I hope we can work to build a better health care system as we are in a major crisis and health insurance is a major aspect to many.

10:00 PM  

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