Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Yeah Baby

Check it out:
The House
The Senate


Friday, November 03, 2006

Get out and Vote

Hello All,

Just a brief note. If you are registered to vote, please get out and do so on November 7th. I know there is apathy out there, but I think this time we have a real shot at restoring some balance to this government. We are in a serious crisis in this country: a time where one man (and his gang) have seen to an insane expansion of presidential power. We are moving closer to a dictatorship than we have seen since the birth of this nation.

I know none of these guys are perfect, far from perhaps, but we need balance; it’s a numbers game.

Restore the balance. Learn about your candidates. Vote Democrat. Make a difference.

Find out about your candidates
Locate your election site